Athletics News

Age Group Changes – Update and Webinars on July 4 and 24

Age Group Changes - Update and Webinars on July 4 and 24

Friday 28th June 2024

scottishathletics will host two webinars in July to provide further information on the upcoming changes to age group calculations in Scotland.

From April 2026, UK Athletics rules will change the sport’s age groups in the UK to under-even (U12, U14 etc.).

Further consultation is now required to discuss with the sport the implementation of this change.

The consultation will ensure that members are aware of short-term impacts and can fully assess options for the implementation in Scotland, considering the best approach for coaching, athlete development, club development and competition.

We are now inviting folk from the sport to join our online sessions to talk more about the issue and the changes.

Webinar One is on Thursday 4 July and Webinar Two will be on Wednesday 24 July. Both sessions will start at 6.30pm and will last approximately half an hour, with further time for questions.

Please egister below



The webinars will cover the impact of the age group changes within Scotland including proposed implement weights and hurdle spaces and distances. They will also cover the planned timeline for implementing the changes.

The webinars are open to all interested parties, and will provide an opportunity to ask questions either in advance or on the night.

It is proposed that the implementation of the new age groups commences from 1 January 2026, prior to the publication of the next edition of the UKA rule book on 1 April 2026.

This is to allow athletes competing indoors during winter 2025/26 to participate within their new age group as they prepare for the Summer 2026 season.

Off track events in the winter of 2025/26 will not be affected, with the new age groups for road and cross country coming into effect at the beginning of the 2026/27 cross country season.

A key area for discussion is whether to use 31 December or 31 August as the cut-off date for determining an athlete’s age group.

Further information will be provided during the webinars, and clubs will be canvassed for their opinion over the coming months in advance of a final decision being made by the scottishathletics board in September 2024.

The scottishathletics team will also be available during lunch breaks at this…

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