Athletics News

4J Awards: Nominees for Volunteers and Officials – tickets on sale!

Breaking . . . Legend Liz will be our Guest of Honour for 4J Annual Awards in October

Wednesday 18th September 2024

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The 4J Annual Awards for 2024 promises once again to be a special night for our sport – and we are delighted to reveal our next set of short-lists.

It is always very important for scottishathletics to recognise, acknowledge and celebrate the contribution and dedication of our clubs, coaches and volunteers.

Liz McColgan is our Guest of Honour on Saturday 26 October in Glasgow and we have already revealed contenders for club awards (in four categories) and coach awards (in four categories).

So today we reveal the short-lists for Volunteer of the Year and Technical Official of the Year ahead of what we feel sure will be a great night at the Hilton Hotel in Glasgow.

Tickets are now on sale and we anticipate high demand so please don’t delay if planning to book.

In alphabetical order, here are the short-lists in those categories for 2024 . . .

Technical Official of the Year:

Jan Gammage; Lorna Rogers; Colin Stewart

Volunteer of the Year:

Fiona Davidson (Aberdeen AAC); Caroline Johnston (Red Star AC); Barbara Knox (Springburn Harriers)

In the area of volunteers and Officials, we also present:

*The Raymond Hutcheson Trophy for Services to Officiating

*The Tom Stillie Sword

These Awards are selected by panels (no sh0rt-lists) and the winners will be revealed on the night of the 4J Awards Dinner.


Rob Dalziel was our Technical Official of the Year in 2023 and received his trophy from Diane Ramsay (photo by Bobby Gavin)

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We have still to reveal short-lists in the various Athlete of the Year categories. We anticipate sharing those names in the first week of October.

Club of Year short-lists in four categories

Craig Stewart of Harmeny AC was named Volunteer of the Year in 2024 and recevied his award from Ian Beattie (photo by Bobby Gavin)


Aberdeen AAC, Official of the Year, Red Star AC, Springburn Harriers, Volunteer of the Year

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