Athletics News

NUTS keep history alive – AW

NUTS keep history alive - AW

The National Union of Track Statisticians in Britain have created an athletics archive in Croydon

Plans to create an athletics museum at the Olympic Park at Stratford following the 2012 Games never happened. There are museums in the UK for pencils, dog collars, witchcraft and magic, but there has been nothing for athletics despite its amazing history and place in the nation’s heart.

A number of athletics enthusiasts, including members of the National Union of Track Statisticians (NUTS), have taken the matter into their own hands, however, and have quietly assembled a brilliant collection of track and field memorabilia in the British capital.

For a while the items were privately housed in Cobham Hall in Kent but they have now been moved to Coombe Wood School in Croydon and will soon be available to be viewed by the public.

This national athletics archive had an official opening when the World Championships in Eugene were being staged in July, although the unveiling of a plaque to commemorate the achievements of Shirley Cawley, the 1952 Olympic long jump bronze medallist who used to train and compete at Coombe Wood School, was postponed due to the 90-year-old being unable to attend.

Former middle-distance international Mike Fleet is one of the key people behind the archive and says: “Thanks to the foresight and generosity of Jonathan Wilden, CEO of the Folio Education Trust, the National Union of Track Statisticians have been offered a spacious room in the school by Lloyd Park, to house their amazing collection of books, artefacts, programmes and photographs.

“International athletics photographer Mark Shearman of Coulsdon generously donated a magnificent set of action shots of Croydon Olympians, while some of the works of Croydon’s other world famous athletics sports photographer Gerry Cranham feature prominently in the collection.

“Mr Wilden addressed a large group of enthusiasts, explaining the school ethos, and the evolution of the project and its value to the school, but also to the wider Croydon community to which Coombe Wood School relates.

“The Borough was represented by Councillor Danielle Denton, who with others from England Athletics, Surrey County, Croydon Harriers, Epsom and Ewell Harriers, South London Harriers and Herne Hill Harriers enjoyed a tour of the facility, which houses thousands of items, including a signed photo montage of the legendary Roger Bannister first sub-four-minute mile, a presentation scale model of the…

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