Athletics News

Officials’ education levels 1-3 to be led from Scotland

Officials' education levels 1-3 to be led from Scotland

Monday 17th October 2022

Questions? Read the FAQ on Officials Roles and Responsibilities Transition, from UKA

We are pleased to announce that scottishathletics will take over the day-to-day leadership and coordination of Technical Officials Education from levels 1-3.

We will also lead the ongoing support services to existing and prospective Technical Officials at these levels, in Scotland, effective immediately.

This change is happening across the UK, with each of the Home Countries Athletics Federations taking responsibility within their own country.

In practice this means that we will have the accountability and responsibility for the following areas specific to these levels (or equivalent) in the qualification pathway (specific to track and off track)

  • Course structure, content review and editing to meet the needs of our sport in Scotland
  • Tutor recruitment and training for courses
  • Tutor deployment on course
  • Course organisation, scheduling, and delivery at these levels

Ongoing non-qualification-based support to Technical Officials will continue to be led by each Home Country in their respective country in areas such as mentoring and conferencing/webinar organisation.

Courses for Officials

Licensing of Officials’ qualifications will continue to be administered by UKA in the short term, but we plan for this responsibility to move across to each Home Country at the right time.

Our aim is to recruit more and continue to retain the excellent officials in our sport and this approach will provide us with the flexibility to determine and deliver the best recruitment and development opportunities relevant to Scotland.

We will continue to introduce as much flexibility as possible to provide ease of access, collaborating with clubs and event organisers at a local level to identify opportunities for courses.

Any changes to course content and the process of pre- and post-course experience will be managed gradually.

These changes will not affect the existing structures in place for the selection of Technical Officials for events and the existing tri regional groups will remain in place fulfilling the significant role that they play until further notice.

The accountability and responsibility for organising higher level Technical Officials Education provision at levels beyond 1-3 will remain with UKA and the work of the existing Technical Advisory Group of UKA and the Education Subgroup will focus on these levels…

CLICK HERE to Read the Full Original Article at Scottish Athletics…