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Josh Kerr,   reflections of a world champion, a RunBlogRun Exclusive

Josh Kerr,   reflections of a world champion, a RunBlogRun Exclusive

Josh Kerr’s reflections of a world champion

The day after winning the 1500m world championship, Josh Kerr shared his thoughts with the British media.  These are some of the things he said:

Watching his friend Jake Wightman win the 2022 World Championship helped motivate Josh in 2023.

Jake Wightman didn’t have the Olympics that he wanted in 2021. And I know at that point he went back to the drawing board and found ways to get better and kind of used that performance to get ready for the World Championships in 2022. So for me, it was a very similar approach where I felt like I underachieved, but I felt like there were definitely places to go. I was amazingly happy for Jake at the time. But again, I’m not here to be a cheerleader for someone else, regardless if it’s a really good friend of mine. I planned for a long time, and as you saw, it was a reasonably similar race plan and the same outcome. 

Jake Wightman battles for the WC 1,500m with Jakob Ingebrigtsen, photo by World Athletics

Edinburgh Athletic Club

Edinburgh AC has helped produce the 2022 and 2023 World 1500m champions Lynsey Sharp and Chris O’Hare.  Josh acknowledged the lessons we learned and the effort they put in as a team and as a club, the effort that those volunteers and the coaching staff made. That’s the reason that we’re in these positions and that we continue to have the success that we have. I think as a club they should be so proud because they have such a massive hand in what we have achieved.

Josh Kerr, Jake Wightman, a few years ago, photo from Scottish Athletics


Running is a passion of mine, and then I was able to find a career in it. I think the best athletes are making sacrifices on a daily basis. I don’t live in Scotland anymore. I live over in the US, away from my parents, away from my brother, and my nephews. I currently live in a different state to my fiancée as well. So it’s sacrifices on a day-to-day basis. It’s like I’m not with the people I love. And I’m not in the place I grew up, and it’s hard, but on the start line in Budapest, I knew the sacrifice I made to be there. I was very meticulous in my preparation, and I was able to find the winning strategy. 

The grind, Josh Kerr and Brooks Beasts TC teammates working out, photo courtesy of Brooks Running/Josh Kerr FB site


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