Athletics News

Scotland women win team race at Antrim Half Marathon

Scotland women win team race at Antrim Half Marathon

Monday 28th August 2023

Our eight athletes who represented Scotland at the Antrim Half Marathon

Scotland women came out in top in the international team contest at the Clear Water Antrim Half Marathon.

The Scots certainly took advantage of the fast course and good running weather with all four recording PB performances.

Natasha Phillips (U20), already a multiple Scottish champion over the roads this year, improved her PB by 33 seconds to 71.20 to place sixth in a high quality race won by Mestawut Kikir (Ethiopia ) 66.44.

With all the team earning their first Scotland international vest, it was a proud day for their families as they watched Sarah Potter (10th 74.27 PB , Eilidh Bell (11th  75.58 PB ) and Sara Green W40 (12th 76.28 PB) place ahead  of Ireland and England in the team contest

In the men’ s international team contest, Scotland placed third behind strong teams from Ireland and England.

Three of the men were also claiming their first international vests and performed very closed to their current PB.

Michael Ferguson has made the progression from a school-boy track international to preparing for his marathon later this year lead the team home in 26th place in a time of 66.53.

Michael was closely followed by Charlie Sandison 32nd 67.11 and John Bell 35th 67.18. Fraser Stewart was obviously not at his best as the race progressed and spent time in the medical tent at the finish as he recorded 69.25 for 48th place.

All the athletes are grateful to Scottish Athletics and the James McInroy (Antrim Half Race Director) for the opportunity to take part in such a high quality race which had over 100 athletes in the elite field.  Three men broke  60 mins, with the winner Damiel Mateiko (Kenya) recording 58.36  to take the win.

It was also   good to see Callum Hawkins 17th 65.03 ,Luca Fanottoli (Central) 33rd 67.11, Calum Phillip (Central ) 34th  67.13 and Dougie Selman (Corstorphine) 44th 68.35 all break 70 mins in the elite field.

In the Women’s elite field GB/Scotland internationals  Mhairi Maclennan placed 7th with a PB of 71.26  and Sarah Inglis 9th in 73.38

Overal;, an excellent day for the Scottish endurance community with that strength noted by other countries.

With thanks to John Mackay


Antrim, Eilidh Bell, Natasha Phillips, Sara Green, Sarah Potter

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