Athletics News

Calling young athletes – your chance to try out hill running

Calling young athletes - your chance to try out hill running

Wednesday 10th January 2024

Photo by Neil Renton

Junior Hill Running – league dates for 2024

Young athletes around Scotland are invited to come and try hill running in March.

The Hill Running Commission are organizing a Come Try U13 Training Morning on Saturday 23 March and a training day for U18 athletes on Sunday 24 March.

Any athlete is welcome, whether you have raced or run in the hill or fancy something different. For athletes who maybe enjoy cross country and don’t live near hills, this is a great opportunity to try it out and enjoy the experience.

 Junior U18 Training Day

 This is on Sunday 24 March and will be based at Stirling University. We’ll train on the slopes of Dumyat and teach some basic hill running skills during the morning session.

Holly Page (GB International Mountain Runner and current Scottish Champion) will be along to give some advice. The day will run from 10am to 3pm.

Please sign up on the link below if you’re interested:

Holly Page is a Scotland and GB and NI international and will help give advice at our U18 Training Day


Come Try U13 Training Days

There will be four Come Try Days across Scotland. These are designed for younger athletes who would like to try off road running. The sessions are based from:

*Edinburgh (Arthur’s Seat)
*Clachan of Campsie (near Glasgow)
*Borders (venue TBC).

The morning will run from 10am to 1pm and again teach some basic hill skills and be a gentle introduction to the discipline.

Please sign up to the event you would like to attend.

Each day is run by qualified coaches on behalf of the Hill Running Commission.

The days are open to anyone and are not organized by a specific club, so our young athletes can come try irrespective of who they normally train with.

Special thanks to the volunteers who are helping out on the training days.

If you have any questions please contact Phil Mestecky on or


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