Athletics News

NCAA Men’s 4 x 400 — A&M’s Robinson Wins Anchor War

NCAA Men’s 4 x 400 — A&M’s Robinson Wins Anchor War

Auhmad Robinson prevailed on anchor for Texas A&M as Florida captured the team title. (MIKE SCOTT)

IT CAME DOWN TO the relay. The great meets always do. No fewer than four teams still had a mathematical shot. Surprising Auburn sported the lead but, alas, didn’t have a horse in the final race. Florida, 5 points out, was the defending champion in the relay but had placed only 3rd in the SEC race. Both Alabama and USC sat 8 points out; the Crimson Tide had narrowly lost to Arkansas at the SEC, beating Florida. USC had Johnnie Blockburger plus 44.65 performer William Jones. Either team could theoretically win, given a fantastic effort combined with disaster for their foes.

Desire cannot be quantified but Florida’s Gator fans will say they wanted it most. The team looked good. While occasional 4×4 runners Robert Gregory and Wanya McCoy were out as options after having run the 200, JeVaughn Powell and Reheem Hayles, who finished 3rd and 7th in the 400 final, would be ready.

First leg: Tennessee’s Emmanuel Bynum, subbing for injured hurdler Clement Dukos, got out best, handing off with a split of 45.49. Texas A&M’s Jevon O’Bryant ran 2nd in 45.64. The other contenders stayed close at 45.84, with Alabama’s Chris Robinson, Florida’s Hayles and USC’s William Jones all together and Arkansas’s TJ Tomlyanovich (45.94) a step back.

Second leg: Christian Parker of Tennessee got out of the zone fastest, and took a significant lead past the cut-in cones. Florida’s Powell, the only returning member of the Collegiate Record team, had slipped behind Texas A&M and Alabama but drove hard down the backstretch to enter the turn behind Parker. Coming off the turn Powell burst into the lead, finishing well for a 44.34 split that gave the Gators a 0.62 lead over A&M (Cutler Zamzow 45.16).

Third leg: Suddenly Florida had a 10-meter gap with the stick in the hands of 45.41 performer Rios Prude. A&M’s Kimar Farquharson and Arkansas’s Steven McElroy chased him down the backstretch and Farquharson, on his way to a 44.38, pulled even with the frosh (44.90 split) in the stretch.

Anchor: Florida’s Jenoah McKiver got the jump on A&M’s Auhmad Robinson and raced full-tilt down the backstretch but could not lose him. Off the final turn, Robinson turned it on and drove past McKiver. In the final 10m, McKiver started to flail and fast-closing James Benson flew past to give Arkansas the runner-up spot.

The splits told the rest of the stunning story. McKiver…

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