Athletics News

2024 RunBlogRun Spring Training Program, June 11, 2024, Week 14, Day 2, it is Tuesday, you are flying!

2024 RunBlogRun Spring Training Program, May 26, 2024, Week 11, Day 7, The rewards of a Sunday Long run

Tuesdays are tough days.

This is your daily training for Tuesday, June 11, 2024.

Week 14, Day 2.

Your workout,


30-minute run, a moderate pace

8 x 200 meters, mile pace, 200m jog

2 x 400m, 800m pace, walk, jog

20 minute run, moderate pace,

6 x 150m stride outs,

Slow cooldown


recover, get wet clothes off, change into dry clothes,

Larry’s Deep Thoughts:

One of the things I learned in training and racing for fifteen years, then coaching for twelve years, and then observing for twenty-five more years is the following;

Too many athletes leave their best races on the workout track.

I stand somewhere between keeping the workouts really easy and keeping the workouts really, really hard.

Over the weekend, I witnessed one of the finest mile races I have ever seen!

Josh Kerr won the Bowerman Mile, and he did it in a gutty way, from six hundred meters out.

To be successful in our sport, one must know its history. Danny Mackey, Josh Kerr’s coach, obviously knows the sport’s history. They had discussed Josh moving to the front with 600m to go. This requires a huge amount of strength and confidence.

Josh Kerr, Yared Nuguse and Jakob Ingebrigtsen will meet again soon, the battle royale is on!

Josh Kerr pushes the pace in the Bowerman Mile, photo by Brian Eder for RunBlogRun.



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