Athletics News

This Day in Track & Field-July 28, Jim Fuchs sets Shot Put WR (1949), Sandor Iharos sets 1500m WR (1955), Kate Schmidt sets Javelin AR (1972), by Walt Murphy News and Results Services , photo by Walt Murphy News and Results Services

This Day in Track & Field-July 28, Jim Fuchs sets Shot Put WR (1949), Sandor Iharos sets 1500m WR (1955), Kate Schmidt sets Javelin AR (1972), by Walt Murphy News and Results Services , photo by Walt Murphy News and Results Services

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This Day in Track & Field–July  28

Jim Fuchs, photo courtesy of

1949–American Jim Fuchs set the first of his four World Records in the Shot Put with his toss of  58-4  3/8 (17.79) in Oslo. Hall-of-Famer Fuchs was the bronze medalist at the 1948 and 1952 Olympics.

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WR Progression’s_shot_put_world_record_progression

1955–Hungary’s Sándor Iharos ran 3:40.8 in Helsinki to set a World Record for 1500-meters. This was the third of six individual World Records that Iharos, coached by the legendary Mihály Iglói, would set in 1955. He would also anchor Hungary to a World Record in the 4×1500 relay (9-29/15:14.8).

WR Progression(1500):

Iharos’ WRs in 1955

5-14         7:55.6    3000m

5-30         8:33.4    2-miles

7-28         3:40.8    1500m

9-10         13:50.8  5000m

10-23       13:14.2  3-miles

10-23       13:40.6  5000m

1958(27/28)–During the early days of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, the threat (real or imagined) of a nuclear war led to schoolchildren throughout the U.S.  hiding beneath their desks (as if that would help), while others were marching towards (or building their own) fall-out shelters during periodic air-raid drills.

But all of that fear was set aside as the two Super Powers met in Moscow in what was the first in a series of memorable dual meets between the world’s two greatest track and field teams.

The individual star of the meet was Rafer Johnson, who regained the World Record in the Decathlon by scoring a phenomenal 8,302 points (7783-current tables). Johnson bettered the previous mark of 8,014 by almost 300 points, and the…

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