Athletics News

Five Olympics – so many memories

Five Olympics – so many memories

Five Olympics – so many memories

To get to one Olympics is a privilege, more than most people achieve.  To get to five with the best seat in the house without paying is beyond incredible.  But, as they say, somebody has to do it. There are just so many memories.

Beijing 2008

I got my media accreditation at the last minute, so late that I had to collect it on arrival.  I had no idea what to expect.  I was amazed to find that I could go to any sport at any time, on official transport and have the best seat in the house.  I watched rowing, swimming, cycling, handball, the football(soccer) final, Messi and all.

Peking Duck, Beijing 2008 Media Meals, photo by Stuart Weir

I was at every track session.  It was the start of the Usain Bolt era.  They say no athlete is bigger than the games but Bolt seemed to be.  The hush in the stadium as he got on his blocks, got up in stages and simply run faster than anyone ever had before was unforgettable. The women’s 100 was won by a young Jamaican I had never even heard of – Shelly-Ann Fraser .  (Mr Pryce was not yet part of her life). Our paths are still crossing.

Christine Ohuruogu, Beijing 2008, Mixed Zone, photo by J Stuart Weir

A visit to the Great Wall of China and eating the fabled Peking Duck in the media restaurant every day – are abiding memories. Abiding nightmares in the days before satellite navigation systems were the rural taxi-drivers brought from other cities for the games who regularly took you to the wrong destination or needed you to navigate for them!

London 2012

Working as the Togo Olympic Attache I was based in the Athlete Village.  The first meal in the athlete restaurant which seated 3,000 people was an eye – or mouth – opener. If Beijing allowed me to watch any sport free, London had the added pressure of having to drink a glass of wine while watching! Seeing the pageantry of the opening and closing ceremony from the inside was another unique perspective.  Having a long chat with Her Royal Highness, Princess Anne about her role in GB sport, IOC etc another memorable moment.

Stuart Weir, London 2012, Liason for Togo, photo by J Stuart Weir

Rio 2016

Again in the role of Togo Olympic Attache and based in the Athlete Village. Samsung were giving every delegation member a $2000 cell-phone. Unfortunately not to Olympic Attaches! I worked as a volunteer chaplain providing Christian services for athletes. 

Stuart Weir, RIO 2016, photo by J Stuart Weir


While London had accredited 50…

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