Athletics News

2024 RunBlogRun Winter Training Program, Week 6, Day 2, Tuesday is hill day!

2024 RunBlogRun Winter Training Program, Week 6, Day 2, Tuesday is hill day!

This is Tuesday, February 6, 2024.

Today is a hill day.

Anyone who has followed RunBlogRun knows how we love hills.

Hills work for sprinters, hurdlers, and middle and long-distance runners, even jumpers and throwers (yes, throwers run and sprint).

Your workout today:

Warm up slowly, and get all the big muscles in.

15 minutes of easy to moderate running,

6 x 500m hill, jog down.

15 minutes, easy to moderate running,

6 x 400m hill, jog down,

15 minutes, easy to moderate running,

6 x 200m hill, jog down,

15 minutes, moderate to easy

6 x 150m stride outs.

You will be sore tomorrow, so hydrate!

I suggest 15 x 8 ounces of water a day for a 165 lb athlete.

If you use sports drinks, please dilute them halfway and stay away from carbonated drinks as they

hamper training recovery.

Get out of your wet clothes and avoid illness.


Larry’s Deep thoughts: As you will notice, i make the third and sixth weeks pretty difficult, as you change your fitness. Dan Durante, my college coach, changed it up for us constantly, normally putting us on a three week cycle on long runs (18 miles, 22 miles, 20 miles) and intervals ( 6 x 1 mile, 4 x 1 mile, 800m, 20 x 400m, and or,  6 x 1200m ). We built up our mileage over 5 years in university. In high school, freshman can run about 40 miles, sophomores about 55, juniors about 55-60, and seniors, 55-65 miles. Miles mean nothing, it is about the stress and recovery. I know athletes who ran 25 miles a week, broke 4 minutes for the mile and did all of their easy days in the pool or on a bike. Shake it up! You are an experiment of one! 


Brooks Wire 8, photo by Brooks Running, great for 800m to 5,000m. You can find out more at
Hyperion Elite, photo by Brooks running, learn more about this great shoe at

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