Today, April 27, 2024, is a race day.
Week 7, Day 6, find yourself a race!
Warm up well,
The Outdoor season is in full swing in much of the country, except when the track is covered with snow!
If you get to race today, try the 1600/800 or 3200/800 to shake things up a bit!
Take 30 minutes and cool down slowly.
Larry’s Deep Thoughts:
You have been working out all winter, and spring is in full swing. We have worked on hill work and fartlek workouts. The racing in the last ten weeks was about getting you to do some fast running.
The season will begin with relays, long races, and short races. Learn how to race under and above your distance dream. It will help you during the big season.
Race over distances from 800m to 5,000m, and for a little extra fun, do an even-a-mile relay!
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